

It all started out as a joke. I lost my maintenace job and walked in to my cousins shop to chop it up with the fellas when a friend walks into the shop for a shape up both barbers were busy at the time so I sarcastically said I got you and he said come on just clean me up I did such a good job I said this is what I want to do from that day on. I learned the trade for 4 years as a Master Barber. Corona Barbershop opened in 2001 and then Corona Barbershop Plus in 2003. 15 years later we are still here doing what we love..

Shaddai (Reyescuts)

My name is Shaddai Reyes and I am 20 years old, at the young age of 12 I was fascinated by the barbershop its scent & the people in it I realized that the barbershop is something more than just cutting hair or just a simple job it is a form of art which made me grow passionate about it at an early age and I was able to realize that this is something I really wanted to do. When I was twelve, I saved some money and bought my first clippers to start cutting my brother’s & friends hair for a few years until I was confident enough to bring my skills to work at a barbershop the barbershop became a whole world of new friends, acquaintances, some even like family!

Lucho Barberian

I started cutting hair when I was 13. It was about 1994,95! I was running errands the owner and his barbers, picking up their lunch, supplies,sweeping the floor, fixing their machines! Till i got my first shape up machine which was the style Liner T! Then the seniors & then eventually the Masters! By 16 teen I knew I wanted to have my own barbershop! Eventually the barbershop closed down and I had to part ways with my mentor Brian! I worked for a few other shops until I finally landed in Corona Barbershop worked with him for a few years then opened my own shop it wasnt easy me & Deo met again and decided to partner up and build our empire!

Czarina Zee

As long as I can remember I was good at a number of things. I had many passions I loved using my hands I enjoyed dancing playing dress up make up and doing hair. My grandma was the first person I did a complete hair style on I was about 7, I did her hair every Sunday for church as I got older I experimented on my own hair I was good by the time I was 18 I had my daughter so I decided to go to hair school. My original plan was to travel with the stars and become their stylist. One day the instructor showed use different braiding techniques it was like art to me its was fun. So once I got out of cosmology school I set off to find the perfect shop I was in two before I found the perfect spot and I am still there today. I am more then a stylist I am ur consultant about anything I am a friend and ear to listen also a dancing burst of positive energy. I love to make my clients happy I am your favorite Braider and I love what I do it’s a one of a kind thing.


My name is Jefferson, I was born in (Colombia) in 1994. I came to the US in 2018 with the desire to improve myself and become a great barber in this industry.
I am kind, happy, humble and a good friend! I started the barber shop as a volunteer in community services for people with addictions and was able to take this art to another level in my new home here in New York Corona Barbershop Plus . And It will be a pleasure to be at your service and wishing you also become part of this great family.


I’m Cleo a licensed barber and braider here to meet your style needs. I have 17 years experience braiding and have been cutting for 3 years. Two of the things that play a major part in building your character is love for yourself and love for others. Braiding hair for me came about by braiding my own hair. As I braided my hair I would consider it practice and work on improving my skill out of loving myself and wanting to look good. As my skill improved my friends noticed and I started doing their hair too. It makes me happy to be able to see them looking and feeling good too. I wanted us all to look and feel good so I learned more skills (locs, cutting hair, extensions, facials) to improve and be able to cater to our different styles.
When I went to school (Long Island Barber Institute) for cutting hair the exposure opened my eyes to the need for my services in the barbershops. Men with long hair were not getting catered to (don’t get me wrong women are more than welcomed and catered to). I was pointed in the direction of Corona Barbershop Plus and it just made sense to me that this is where I need to be. It’s a great atmosphere and the standard of service is high.
So here I am. Come in. Get designed..


Born in the city of Bogota, Colombia In 1989.
At the age of 14 I began to go to one of the few barber shops in my city where I began to take an interest in the art of barbering.
I attended by his owner who was an excellent barber, in one of his conversations he gives him advice to learn how to cut hair and he is left with the idea.
Some time later, one of his brothers, by chance, brought a hair-cutting machine to the house and, being among friends, began to practice with them from time to time everything he only observed every time he went to the barber shop. But that idea stayed there and he dedicated himself to studying, working and starting a family.
It was in 2013 when he decided to become independent and set up his first barber shop in the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia. And due to the difficulty of obtaining barbers in that city, he decides to retake this art and empirically begins to cut hair. 3 years later he opens another barber shop in his hometown.
In early 2019 he makes one of his dreams come true and gets to know New York City and try Luck. Due to coincidences in social networks, he found Corona Barbershop Plus since he had heard his name in a song that he liked, he decides to contact them, they open their doors and a few days later he becomes part of the team of this barber shop.

Juan S

I started the barber shop 7 years ago when I missed my first year of school, at first I thought I would only do it for fun & on my free afternoons, 2 years later it would become more than just fun, my way of thinking, & my way of living would become my passion. I decided to take it a little more serious and study for 1 year at a loca barbershop. I then made the decision to work full time & make a career from what I had learned and I abandoned my dream of becoming a football player. 3 years have passed and I took on a new challenge and that is to work fly to New York & work to perfect my craft and one day open my own shop & here I am slowly but surely fulfilling my dream here working at Corona Barbershop Plus.


One day, out of boredom, with nothing else to do, I picked up a pair a clippers in the bathroom of our Bronx apartment and asked my brother if he wanted a haircut he said ok so I started cutting my brother’s hair. That was about 33 years ago. From that day forward, I was convinced that it was going to to become a master barber. So I started cutting all of my friends and family hair.

But unfortunately, the call of the streets was too strong I was hanging out with the wrong people and making bad decisions– I dropped the clippers for nights out on the streets & it became my life. Inevitably, I was sent to prison. I served my time and paid my debt to society. But during my time in the penitentiary I picked up the clippers again and as I kept cutting hair I became better and better…

In 2017 I was released on Parole and I voluntarily went to a work shelter called Ready, Willing and Able while I was there I got my certification for cooking but I did not feel that was my true passion. I did it because I had to integrate back into society as a productive member. I was, still cutting hair on the side.

After being home a year or so, I met a very special woman. She eventually became my wife. She helped me realize that it was possible to pursue my true lifelong passion of having a career as a barber. With the help of a very close friend of mine, named Bruce, I received my apprentice barber license. I went to work at a barber shop called Straight Cut. Things were great until Covid-19 forced all of the barber shops in New York to close. I ventured into mobile barbering but eventually barber shops in Long Island started to reopen and for a short while I went to work at one called Vintage Talk of New York business was not good enough to justify the long commute to Suffolk County from Queens! I started scrolling through Instagram and saw Deo and his crew at Corona Barbershop Plus. I applied for a position and was interviewed with Deo and we agreed that I work there on a temporary basis during the Christmas season to see if the shop and I were a good fit. I can honestly say, that the fit is great, the guys and I have become friends as well as coworkers. P.S. this is only the beginning


How I got into braiding, was merely out of fascination. I remember visiting my aunt and my hair was a mess my aunt sat me down braided it for me and I fell in love with it. It was really tough as a kid growing up in foster care , my sisters and I didn’t have the best of things when it came to clothes shoes or our appearance so I practiced and continued to practice until I got it right. I probably made my younger sisters cry a few times but it was worth it when they went to school with their hair done and they didn’t feel or look like a “fosterkid”.

I enjoyed making my sisters feel pretty and looking decent to go to school soon after I began braiding during study hall and lunch breaks in LIC high school and in Cardozo when I was transferred. It was my hobby and I enjoyed making people look & feel better. That’s how I knew I would have a place in the beauty industry whether it is styling, makeup or braids, I have always been intrigued by the different techniques , color play and satisfaction of a completed look.

Fast forward from about 18 years old until now, I had put braiding and beauty in the back burner. I found a corporate job at 19 and was only doing hair occasionally but recently because of the pandemic I picked up braiding again for some extra financial help and little did I know it had opened up a new chapter in my life that I did not believe would become.

My love for this industry poured out and I was presented with an opportunity at Corona Barbershop Plus I was a little hesitant at first and had doubt BUT Deo, was persistent we scheduled a meeting and through his words I felt his dedication, love and aspirations for the barbershop and hair business & I was sold.

5 months since I began , I have moved forward leaving behind my corporate job of 13 years and looking to building my career as a stylist at Corona Barbershop Plus .


I’m just a Young Brooklyn Girl tryna make it! Doing hair is my passion, I love what I do & I love how people feel when I’m doing their hair. I’ve been doing hair since I was about 13 years old, I was always that friend that does everyone’s hair & always saved me for last lol. I ended up going to job at 19 years old & was charging people $10 to braid their hair just to see how my side hustle would go & it actually went pretty well. Once I graduated, I moved to Delaware in 2016 & decided that I wanted to start my own business, so I decided to become a full time hairstylist at the time a friend who had dreads allowed me to practice on his head and soon then his brother I was practicing perfecting my craft doing braids on his hair more often.

I became so good at it that I was literally the talk of town, people were coming to me all the time for locs & braids. I started to work at a local barbershop in Delaware & I rented my own chair, as I was building my business I got into a bad car accident & lost my opportunity at the shop then the pandemic hit & I was forced to leave Delaware & come back to NYC because business was slow not many people wanted to get their hair done as often. I moved back to NYC July 2020 & I started to work & immediately build my clientele up. I decided that I wanted to do more than just braiding hair & doing dreads so I furthered my education & started going to school @ “Paul Mitchell Cosmetology School” which taught me so much more than just braiding & dreading hair. I am now educated and I am able to do more such as Color, Cutting, Styling Etc. I then started to do hair from home & decided that I will not only do braids but so much more & ever since I’ve been able to become a professional in all hair services.

I am now at Corona Barbershop Plus braiding & dreading hair but with time I will get to utilize my skills to do more than braiding & dreads. Doing hair is not always about just sitting in a chair, getting your hair done & leaving! It’s about feeling good while getting your hair done, feel the good vibes & energy from your stylist while doing your hair as well & I’m all for positive vibes!